Maybe you expect your site to make you more money, convince people of your point of view, get you more fans, provide support for existing customers, unite people who share your interests, or accomplish any other number of purposes. You might expect your site to achieve several of these goals, but whatever the case, it’s crucial that you have these purposes clearly in mind as you plan, execute, and grow your site. The best way to have your purposes clearly in mind is to write them down. Six months down the road, let alone six hours, you might alter those purposes, however slightly, to suit the circumstances of the moment and then convince yourself that these had been the purposes all along. The written word can help keep our minds honest.
As you compile a list of purposes, some will be immediately obvious, but it’s important not to stop there. Keep thinking and writing. Don’t question or second-guess what you come up with; write it down. And get specific. In a sense, wanting to get more new customers is the same as wanting to make more money, but by being more specific, it’s a goal that’s easier to measure and one that gets you closer to deciding what tasks your website must perform. Which brings me to the second type of answer to the question: Why do you want to build a website?
The book that I am offering has a retail value of $50 on other websites as I used to sell it but I am actually going to give the book away for free! That’s right, you don’t have to pay any money or download some secret virus to get it, you are able to download the book directly in PDF format and navigate your way around getting your first account.
There is one thing you need to do though. In order to protect the amount of times the book is downloaded, we have set a download limit on it. To prevent this being abused by bots and such, you need to verify you are a human by filling in a short survey before you download it. But don’t worry, it’s free and all you have to do is type some stuff and you’ll have the website making tutorial in your hands in just a couple of minutes!
There is one thing though, with the website I use they try and trick you into buying something before you download. If the survey asks you to enter your card details or buy something then simply exit out of that survey and try a new one. There are plenty of free ones, you just have to be smart about it. So what are you waiting for? Learn how to Make your Website better today and just click the Download button…
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