11 Steps To Create A Successfull Website

11 Steps To Create A Successful Website

Getting Started with your website

Design Your Own Website

SEO the Modern elements of OPTIMIZATION

Search Engine Optimization

100 Questions To Ask Before Building a Website

Website Design and Development

Build a Website for Free

How To Make A Website

Monday, December 26, 2011

Build Your Own Database-Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL

How To Make A Website

Build Your Own Database-Driven Website Using PHP & MySQL

Download(s) (1,232,178 Times)

What's In This Book
This book comprises the following 12 chapters. Read them in order from beginning to end to gain a complete understanding of the subject, or skip around if you need a refresher on a particular topic.


Before you can start building your database-driven Web presence, you must first ensure that you have the right tools for the job. In this first chapter, I'll tell you where to obtain the two essential components you'll need: the PHP scripting language and the MySQL database management system. I'll step you through the setup procedures on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, and show you how to test that PHP is operational on your Web server.

"Getting Started with MySQL"

Although I'm sure you'll be anxious to get started building dynamic Web pages, I'll begin with an introduction to databases in general, and the MySQL relational database management system in particular. If you've never worked with a relational database before, this should definitely be an enlightening chapter that will whet your appetite for things to come! In the process, we'll build up a simple database to be used in later chapters.

"Getting Started with PHP"

Here's where the fun really starts. In this chapter, I'll introduce you to the PHP scripting language, which can be easily used to build dynamic Web pages that present up-to-themoment information to your visitors. Readers with previous programming experience will probably be able to get away with a quick skim of this chapter, as I explain the essentials of the language from the ground up. This is a must-read chapter for beginners, however, as the rest of this book relies heavily on the basic concepts presented here.

"Publishing MySQL Data on the Web"

In this chapter we bring together PHP and MySQL, which you'll have seen separately in the previous two chapters, to create some of your first database-driven Web pages. We'll explore the basic techniques of using PHP to retrieve information from a database and display it on the Web in real time. I'll also show you how to use PHP to create Web-based forms for adding new entries to, and modifying existing information in, a MySQL database on-the-fly.

"Relational Database Design"

Although we'll have worked with a very simple sample database in the previous chapters, most database-driven Websites require the storage of more complex forms of data than we'll have dealt with so far. Far too many database-driven Website designs are abandoned midstream, or are forced to start again from the beginning, because of mistakes made early on, during the design of the database structure. In this critical chapter, I'll teach the essential principles of good database design, emphasizing the importance of data normalization. If you don't know what that means, then this is definitely an important chapter for you to read!

"A Content Management System"

In many ways the climax of the book, this chapter is the big payoff for all you frustrated site builders who are tired of updating hundreds of pages whenever you need to make a change to a site's design. I'll walk you through the code for a basic content management system that allows you to manage a database of jokes, their categories, and their authors. A system like this can be used to manage simple content on your Website, and with a few modifications you should be able to build a Web administration system that will have your content providers submitting content for publication on your site in no time - all without having to know a shred of HTML!

The book that I am offering has a retail value of $26 on other websites as I used to sell it but I am actually going to give the book away for free! That’s right, you don’t have to pay any money or download some secret virus to get it, you are able to download the book directly in PDF format and navigate your way around getting your first account.

There is one thing you need to do though. In order to protect the amount of times the book is downloaded, we have set a download limit on it. To prevent this being abused by bots and such, you need to verify you are a human by filling in a short survey before you download it. But don’t worry, it’s free and all you have to do is type some stuff and you’ll have the website making tutorial in your hands in just a couple of minutes!

There is one thing though, with the website I use they try and trick you into buying something before you download. If the survey asks you to enter your card details or buy something then simply exit out of that survey and try a new one. There are plenty of free ones, you just have to be smart about it. So what are you waiting for? Learn how to Make your Website better today and just click the Download button…

Build a Website for Free

How To Make A Website

Build a Website for Free

Download(s) (703,507 Times) 

So you want to build a website for free? If you are reading this book, you probably want to build a website (even though you might not know exactly what that is), and you want to do it for free. If you have no idea what a website really is and need some basic information, I cover this later in this introduction. If you know what a website is, you probably are more interested in the “free” part. All the software and tools in this book are free of charge. If at all possible, I choose the best free alternative and make sure you know whether there is any cost.

In the last decade, the Internet, and in particular the World Wide Web, has grown considerably. There are now millions of websites on the Internet covering all sorts of subjects, from family and business to education and entertainment. Some websites have been long-lasting and useful(yahoo.com and google.com) and others disappear as quickly as they come. You might have plans to create a website that you hope millions of people will go to, or your site’s purpose might be just to stay connected to your family members.

The book that I am offering has a retail value of $34 on other websites as I used to sell it but I am actually going to give the book away for free! That’s right, you don’t have to pay any money or download some secret virus to get it, you are able to download the book directly in PDF format and navigate your way around getting your first account.

There is one thing you need to do though. In order to protect the amount of times the book is downloaded, we have set a download limit on it. To prevent this being abused by bots and such, you need to verify you are a human by filling in a short survey before you download it. But don’t worry, it’s free and all you have to do is type some stuff and you’ll have the website making tutorial in your hands in just a couple of minutes!

There is one thing though, with the website I use they try and trick you into buying something before you download. If the survey asks you to enter your card details or buy something then simply exit out of that survey and try a new one. There are plenty of free ones, you just have to be smart about it. So what are you waiting for? Learn how to Make your Website better today and just click the Download button…

Website Design and Development (2011) - 100 Questions To Ask Before Building a Website

How To Make A Website

Website Design and Development (2011) 

100 Questions To Ask Before Building a Website

Download(s) (1,092,539 Times)

The Purposes of Your Site
Maybe you expect your site to make you more money, convince people of your point of view, get you more fans, provide support for existing customers, unite people who share your interests, or accomplish any other number of purposes. You might expect your site to achieve several of these goals, but whatever the case, it’s crucial that you have these purposes clearly in mind as you plan, execute, and grow your site. The best way to have your purposes clearly in mind is to write them down. Six months down the road, let alone six hours, you might alter those purposes, however slightly, to suit the circumstances of the moment and then convince yourself that these had been the purposes all along. The written word can help keep our minds honest.

As you compile a list of purposes, some will be immediately obvious, but it’s important not to stop there. Keep thinking and writing. Don’t question or second-guess what you come up with; write it down. And get specific. In a sense, wanting to get more new customers is the same as wanting to make more money, but by being more specific, it’s a goal that’s easier to measure and one that gets you closer to deciding what tasks your website must perform. Which brings me to the second type of answer to the question: Why do you want to build a website?

The book that I am offering has a retail value of $50 on other websites as I used to sell it but I am actually going to give the book away for free! That’s right, you don’t have to pay any money or download some secret virus to get it, you are able to download the book directly in PDF format and navigate your way around getting your first account.

There is one thing you need to do though. In order to protect the amount of times the book is downloaded, we have set a download limit on it. To prevent this being abused by bots and such, you need to verify you are a human by filling in a short survey before you download it. But don’t worry, it’s free and all you have to do is type some stuff and you’ll have the website making tutorial in your hands in just a couple of minutes!

There is one thing though, with the website I use they try and trick you into buying something before you download. If the survey asks you to enter your card details or buy something then simply exit out of that survey and try a new one. There are plenty of free ones, you just have to be smart about it. So what are you waiting for? Learn how to Make your Website better today and just click the Download button…

Drupal 7, Create and operate any type of website quickly and efficiently

 How To Make A Website
 Create and operate any type of website quickly and efficiently
Downloads (401,454 Times)
 Chapter 1, Introduction to Drupal introduces you to the world of Drupal and looks at where Drupal comes from, where it's going, and what it can offer you. It then deals with how to get everything you need up and running on a development machine and also briefly looks at how all the requisite technologies gel together to produce a working Drupal site.
Once everything is up and running, and after looking over some of the more common installation problems, the chapter presents a brief tour of Drupal in order to give you an idea of what to expect in the coming chapters.

Chapter 2, Basic Functionality sees us adding important functionality to the newly created site. The focus of this chapter is on modules and blocks and how to add and enable them, and how to obtain modules that are not a part of the core distribution. Given that menus are closely associated with a site's functionality, these are also covered here.

Chapter 3, Configuration and Reports looks at the most general settings that all Drupal administrators need to contend with. Everything from specifying your site's name and dealing with filesystem settings to proper utilization of logs and reports gets treated here.
Chapter 4, Users and Access Control concerns itself with the best ways to implement a sound access control policy. Drupal has a sophisticated role-based access control system, which is fundamentally important for handling users properly. This chapter will give you the information you need to implement whatever access controls your site requires.

Chapter 5, Basic Content gets to the heart of the matter by beginning the book's coverage on content. Working with content, what content types are available, administering content, and even a discourse on some of the more common content-related modules serve as a basis for moving to more advanced content-related matters that follow in the next chapter.

Chapter 6, Advanced Content gives you the edge when it comes to creating engaging, dynamic content. In particular, Drupal 7's new field paradigm is discussed along with content types, taxonomy, and formatting.

The book that I am offering has a retail value of $30 on other websites as I used to sell it but I am actually going to give the book away for free! That’s right, you don’t have to pay any money or download some secret virus to get it, you are able to download the book directly in PDF format and navigate your way around getting your first account.

There is one thing you need to do though. In order to protect the amount of times the book is downloaded, we have set a download limit on it. To prevent this being abused by bots and such, you need to verify you are a human by filling in a short survey before you download it. But don’t worry, it’s free and all you have to do is type some stuff and you’ll have the website making tutorial in your hands in just a couple of minutes!

There is one thing though, with the website I use they try and trick you into buying something before you download. If the survey asks you to enter your card details or buy something then simply exit out of that survey and try a new one. There are plenty of free ones, you just have to be smart about it. So what are you waiting for? Learn how to Make your Website better today and just click the Download button…

Sunday, December 25, 2011

SEO the Modern elements of OPTIMIZATION

 How To Make A Website

SEO the Modern elements of OPTIMIZATION
Search Engine Optimization

 DOWNLOADS (709,876 Times)

If you were to go back in time 10 years and explain the current state of search engine marketing to a website owner, they would likely be in awe of how far the practice has come. It’s no longer about simply pumping out meaningless content and tossing out meta data. Today, elite SEO professionals make content the most valuable asset. They develop sites with meaningful architecture, and know how to leverage audience relationships to earn inbound links, among many other progressive SEO methods.

Our April issue addresses how the modern elements of SEO — from the opportunities presented by universal content to on-site optimization practices — influence how sites are positioned on the search results pages and the tactics Internet professionals can employ right now. This edition of Website Magazine also features content on a variety of topics to ensure your website’s success. You will discover practical guidance about producing Web video for optimal profits, current Web design trends, heat maps, live chat solutions, check-in services and reducing e-commerce fraud. Website Magazine is also once again excited to feature its monthly columnists including Tim Ash on homepage conversion rates; Dante Monteverde on translation and SEO; and Heather Lutze on how Web professionals sabotage their own websites.

Web Design DeMYSTiFieD - Hard Stuff Made Easy

 How To Make A Website

Web Design DeMYSTiFieD - Hard Stuff Made Easy
 DOWNLOADS (609,087 Times)

Who Should Use this Book?

Even though this book is jam-packed with information, it is not meant to be the only resource for learning web design. It is, however, intended to be theperfect companion to instructor-led courses, either online or in the classroom. You’ll likely get the most from this book if you know a little about the following:

Your computer Can you open, close, and move files around fairly easily? Do you have a web browser and Internet connection you feel comfortable using?

Design Do you know what styles, layouts, and so on appeal to you? Can you express those in terms of color, shape, and texture?

HTML Do you know what it is used for? Have you ever used it to create a basic webpage?

How to Use This Book

The chapters are organized based on a typical web design project and the steps taken to complete such a project. Within each chapter are learning objectives to help frame the content discussed in that section. There are ten chapters in this book, each of which builds upon the one before it. When I wrote the book, I intended for each student to move through the chapters consecutively. However, individual chapters can also be used as a reference at a later date.

A ten-question quiz can be found at the end of every chapter. The purpose of this quiz is to help solidify key concepts identified in the material covered. Answers to each quiz can be found in the back of the book.

Finally, a 75-question exam is included after Chapter 10. This exam poses questions from all the material covered, in a random order, to verify you’ve retained the most important aspects of what you’ve learned. The exam answers are also included in the back of the book.

The book that I am offering has a retail value of $28 on other websites as I used to sell it but I am actually going to give the book away for free! That’s right, you don’t have to pay any money or download some secret virus to get it, you are able to download the book directly in PDF format and navigate your way around getting your first account.

There is one thing you need to do though. In order to protect the amount of times the book is downloaded, we have set a download limit on it. To prevent this being abused by bots and such, you need to verify you are a human by filling in a short survey before you download it. But don’t worry, it’s free and all you have to do is type some stuff and you’ll have the website making tutorial in your hands in just a couple of minutes!

There is one thing though, with the website I use they try and trick you into buying something before you download. If the survey asks you to enter your card details or buy something then simply exit out of that survey and try a new one. There are plenty of free ones, you just have to be smart about it. So what are you waiting for? Learn how to Make your Website better today and just click the Download button…

Create Your Own Website - 8 Easy Projects In Full Color

 How To Make A Website

Create Your Own Website - 8 Easy Projects In Full Color

DOWNLOADS (563,923 Times)

 Have you ever wanted to create your own website but thought that the task was too daunting? Do you think that only folks with years of computer training and experience have the knowledge necessary for building web pages? These are common misconceptions that many people have. With the right tools and information, creating websites is as easy as pointing and clicking! If you are interested in quickly creating a professional-looking website,then you’ve picked up the right book.

* Family/Personal Website—Keep your extended family and friends up to date with the latest happenings of your family.

* Online Storefront Website—Sell products and services online! A great revenue stream for home-based businesses.

* Content Publishing Website—Publish your content on the World Wide Web. Be it your poetry, your political or philosophical views, or your hilarious home videos, by distributing your content online, you open it up to a potential worldwide audience of millions.

The book that I am offering has a retail value of $50 on other websites as I used to sell it but I am actually going to give the book away for free! That’s right, you don’t have to pay any money or download some secret virus to get it, you are able to download the book directly in PDF format and navigate your way around getting your first account.

There is one thing you need to do though. In order to protect the amount of times the book is downloaded, we have set a download limit on it. To prevent this being abused by bots and such, you need to verify you are a human by filling in a short survey before you download it. But don’t worry, it’s free and all you have to do is type some stuff and you’ll have the website making tutorial in your hands in just a couple of minutes!

There is one thing though, with the website I use they try and trick you into buying something before you download. If the survey asks you to enter your card details or buy something then simply exit out of that survey and try a new one. There are plenty of free ones, you just have to be smart about it. So what are you waiting for? Learn how to Make your Website better today and just click the Download button…